What the _____ is Hackable High Schools?

Simply: the most realistic path to transformed, student-driven high school learning.


What if school was more like "binge-watching"? (Only with less watching and far more doing?)

Disrupting School at the Juncture of Teen Choice

What is the nexus of any disruptive change? Is there really an “Uber of…” K-12, particularly the public high school?

In school, the points of choice remain few. While some teens can, with their parents, choose a new school; for 90–95% of teens, that’s not really an option.

Custom Learning Contracts

In a hackable high school (now any school in Ohio), teens can write their own courses, join an existing class nearly anywhere, or choose from nearly any coursework they and adults can imagine.
Where do teens actually have choice in learning, once they’re already enrolled in a public school?

Where do they themselves (not parents) make a decision? Where do teens— at some level — contract to provide something (effort) in return?

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Develop Curriculum Iteratitvely, in the Public Eye

Learning Blueprints help teens, teachers, and community members work together to evolve solid new approaches to curriculum.


Transparency is Key

Instead of averaged grades, Mozilla's Open Badges infrastructure gives us much deeper trasparency and insight into exactly what students are learning.


Custom Learning Contracts

In a hackable high school (now any school in Ohio), teens can write their own courses, join an existing class nearly anywhere, or choose from nearly any coursework they and adults can imagine.

While this freedom is a big idea filled with many options for rigorous teen learning, a simple process defines the core.

Within that core, a single artifact provides the key to personalized learning.


The "M" in MOOC Stands For Massive Data


Open sourcing lets teens, teachers, and adults continuously improve the coursework.



Big Picture Change
A transformational vision for education in the US
Most Likely to Succeed
An acclaimed film about changing up classroom learning.
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Transforming the Role of the Teacher
A Roadmap to the Future of Education- Grant Lichtman
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Meeting All Youth

Contact Us

Hackable High Schools
ed at hackablehighschools.com